Relationship Diversity Podcast
Every relationship is as unique as you are. Relationship Diversity Podcast aims to celebrate, question, and explore all aspects of relationships and relationship structure diversity. Together, we’ll bust through societal programming to break open and dissect everything we thought we knew about relationships. We’ll ask challenging and transformational questions, like: Who am I? What do I really want in my relationships? Am I in this relationship structure because it’s all I know or is it really the fullest expression of who I am? Being curious, having courage to look within, and asking these important questions creates the space for joy-filled, soul-nourishing relationships. Your host and guide, Carrie Jeroslow is an International Best-Selling Author, Conscious Relationship Coach, and Intuitive. Through this podcast, she helps to normalize discussions about all different kinds of relationship structures from soloamory to monogamy to polyamory, and everything in between. This is a space of inclusivity and acceptance. The time is NOW to shift the conversation to a new paradigm of conscious, intentional, and diverse relationships.Join in as we reimagine all that our most intimate relationships can become.
Relationship Diversity Podcast
Hiatus Week 5: Rethinking Monogamy – Playlist on Long-Term Resilience, Creative Monogamy, and Conscious Monogamy
Hiatus Week 5:
Rethinking Monogamy – Playlist on Long-Term Resilience, Creative Monogamy, and Conscious Monogamy
Even while I'm taking some time off, I want to continue showing up for you and pursuing my passion, which is to help people break free from societal norms and rethink everything they know about relationships. I truly believe there's a new paradigm for relationships being birthed, one grounded in the concept and foundations of relationship diversity.
So, to keep the conversations alive, I've taken a look back at my two years of episodes and noticed some exciting themes emerging. Each week, during my hiatus, I'll post a specially curated playlist of episodes centered on a specific topic. Then you'll find links to those episodes in the show notes to help you dive deeper into areas that might resonate with where you are in your journey.
Let's continue exploring, growing, and embracing the expansiveness of relationship diversity together.
In Hiatus Week 4, I’ve curated a special playlist of episodes revolving around monogamy. This includes episodes focused on deep dives into monogamy, conversations about long-term relationship resilience, discussions on creative monogamy, and explorations into intentional versus default monogamy. Additionally, an episode addresses the concept of transitioning to a 'monogamish' relationship structure. The goal is to encourage listeners to question societal norms and explore diverse, intentional approaches to relationships.
Episodes discussed:
Episode 10: Let’s Take a Deeper Look at Monogamy
Episode 47: Creative Monogamy with Dr Joli Hamilton
Episode 66: Default vs. Intentional Monogamy
Episode 103: From Monogamy to Monogamish: Reimagining Modern Relationships
This is Relationships Reimagined.
Join the conversation as we dive into a new paradigm of conscious, intentional and diverse relationships.
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Please note: I am not a doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, counselor, or social worker. I am not attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any physical, mental, or emotional issue, disease, or condition. The information provided in or through my podcast is not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment provided by your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider. Always seek the advice of your own Medical Provider and/or Mental Health Provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your specific circumstance.
Welcome to Hiatus Week 4. Even while I'm taking some time off, I wanted to continue showing up for you and pursuing my passion, which is to help people break free from societal norms and rethink everything they know about relationships. I truly believe there's a new paradigm for relationships being birthed, one grounded in the concept and foundations of relationship diversity. So to keep the conversations alive, I've taken a look back at my two years of episodes and noticed some exciting themes emerging. Each week during my hiatus, I'll post a specially curated playlist of episodes centered on a specific topic. Then you'll find links to those episodes in the show notes to help you dive deeper into areas that might resonate with where you are in your journey. Let's continue exploring, growing and embracing the expansiveness of relationship diversity together. This week's theme is monogamy.
Speaker 0:I've always said that I don't advocate for any one structure. The only thing I advocate for is knowing yourself to know what you want. So it's important to look at all the structures with openness and curiosity and with non-monogamy, consensual non-monogamy, ethical non-monogamy anything other than strict monogamy. Having its time in the light, people are learning more about it. There are a lot of times I hear people saying monogamy isn't a good structure, and I disagree with that. Again, if you know yourself and that's what works best for you, then I encourage you to learn more about how to make monogamy more intentional than just the default way of being, just because that's what you were told was the only way to be in relationships. These episodes are going to help you do just that. So in the first episode I'm going to tag in this playlist is episode 10, which is titled let's take a deeper look at monogamy. In this first episode where I look deeply at monogamy, I explore why people choose the structure, how to find diversity within the structure, as well as how to bring aspects of monogamy into your relationships, regardless of what structure you're in. I also explore unhealthy societal programming and beliefs placed on people who choose monogamy and look at how we can move from judgment to understanding.
Speaker 0:The next episode I'm going to tag is episode 25, conversations with Deborahbra Lee May about Resiliency and Reinvention through Long-Term Relationships. In this conversation with my friend Resiliency Coach Debra Lee May, we talk about what it takes to make a long-term relationship thrive. We talk about the importance of continually reinventing your relationship, not only with your partner, but also with yourself. This was a great and inspiring conversation. The next episode I'm going to tag in this playlist is episode 47, creative monogamy with Dr Jolie Hamilton. Another great conversation with research psychologist and relationship coach Jolie Hamilton, who works with couples who color outside the lines. In this episode she talks about how she defines creative monogamy and how to explore it in a conscious and intentional way. The next episode is a good one Episode 66, default versus intentional monogamy.
Speaker 0:So what if the societal norms you've always followed are stifling your happiness and growth? In this episode, I question the accepted narrative around monogamy and discuss embracing intentionality in relationships. I unpack the pitfalls of default monogamy, which can often feel like a trap, and explore the freedom and fulfillment that can come from choosing monogamy intentionally, after careful consideration and self-reflection. The next episode in this playlist is episode 103, from Monogamy to Monogamish Reimagining Modern Relationships. In this episode, I explore the concept of monogamish relationships, a hybrid between monogamy and open relationships. I explore the origins of the term monogamish, its benefits and various examples of how monogamish arrangements can be personalized to fit unique partnership needs. The episode also includes reflective questions to determine if a monogamish setup could be right for you and your partner, along with steps to navigate the transition from traditional monogamy. Happy listening and remember to stay curious.